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Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-03-16  |  76KB  |  280x674  |  8-bit (255 colors)
Labels: crt screen | monitor | reckoner
OCR: Yolur COVER STORY THE MUTUAL FUNDS TO BUY NOW beJeny Edeeron Of the 1.296 small- medium Lurge -tompany stock mutual fnd in our detailed Iranking. these dozen cmersedas MONFY'spre-eminent bur ard hold choices for this year and beyond. Table: The vitals on dand dozen. Puge59 HERE ARE THE 160 TOP -PERFORMING FUNDS by Prastranta Wisrr and Vanessa O'Conneil You willfind everything you need tto know about the 1(0) bost -performingeguity: bond t and tax-exermpt funds that havt heen .he stars of the past five rear MONE Y'SALPHABE TICAL GUIDE 296 FUNDS Pras hanto Misraand Vanesso O'Connel Checl out "unars ponj no. performance ratingwer fiveyears. portfolio profileand total expensesin this comprchensive 30 page ranking FEATURES HOW TI BEATTHE 20% WITHHOI LDINGTRAP Elizabeth MacDonald Holding backa f ...